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Consultations at Global Affairs Canada

Public consultations are an important way for the public to get involved at Global Affairs Canada and help create a government that is open and transparent. Through these discussions, Canadians can share their thoughts on Canada’s international policies, agreements, programs, and services in the following areas:

You can find public consultations for all Government of Canada organizations on the Consulting with Canadians web page.

Current and completed public consultations

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YearStart dateStatusBusiness lineConsultation
20252025-02-17ClosedInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on Canada’s Annual Report on Human Rights and Free Trade Between Canada and the Republic of Colombia


Date: 2025-02-17 to 2025-03-16

20252025-02-15ClosedInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on the potential accession of Costa Rica to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)


Date: 2025-02-15 to 2025-03-16

2024-20252024-12-07ClosedInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on a possible bilateral free trade agreement with the Philippines


Date: 2024-12-07 to 2025-03-07

20242024-11-04ClosedInternational trade

Consulting with Canadians on the proposed addition of Brazil and Montenegro to the Automatic Firearms Country Control List


Date: 2024-11-04 to 2024-12-03

20242024-10-17ClosedInternational trade

Public consultations on measures to strengthen Canada’s import ban on all goods mined, manufactured, or produced wholly or in part, by forced labour


Date: 2024-10-17 to 2024-11-15

20242024-08-17Closed with reportInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on the operation of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)

Closed with report

Date: 2024-08-17 to 2024-10-31

What we heard report

20242024-08-14ClosedInternational development

Consulting Canadians and stakeholders on a proposed approach to partnerships in Africa


Date: 2024-08-14 to 2024-09-15

20242024-08-09ClosedInternational trade

Public consultations on potential new measures to advance and defend Canada’s economic security interests


Date: 2024-08-09 to 2024-09-23

20242024-07-08ClosedInternational trade

Public consultation on Canada’s administration of import quotas for beef and veal products under the World Trade Organization (WTO) tariff rate quota (TRQ)


Date: 2024-07-08 to 2024-08-02

20242024-06-17ClosedInternational trade

Public consultation on the origin quota for vehicles exported to the European Union under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)


Date: 2024-06-17 to 2024-07-12

20242024-06-04ReportInternational trade

Canada’s administration of the tariff rate quota for peanut butter exports to the United States under the World Trade Organization

Closed with report

Date: 2024-06-04 to 2024-07-05

What we heard report: Canada’s administration of the tariff rate quota for peanut butter exports to the United States under the World Trade Organization

20242024-06-03ClosedInternational trade

The general review of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)

Closed with report

Date: 2024-06-03 to 2024-07-31

What we heard report: Public consultations on the General Review of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)

20242024-05-21ReportInternational trade

Public consultations on the potential collection and publication of country of smelt and cast information for aluminum imports under Canada’s Aluminum Import Monitoring Program

Closed with report

Date: 2024-05-21 to 2024-06-28

What we heard report: Public consultations on the potential collection and publication of country of smelt and cast information for aluminum imports under Canada’s Aluminum Import Monitoring Program

20242024-05-10ReportInternational development

Consultations on Canada’s post-2025–2026 international climate and nature finance commitment

Closed with report

Date: 2024-05-10 to 2024-07-30

What we heard report: Consultations on Canada’s post-2025–2026 international climate and nature finance commitment

20242024-02-12ClosedInternational trade

Call for submissions regarding Canada’s Annual Report on Human Rights and Free Trade Between Canada and the Republic of Colombia


Date: 2024-02-12 to 2024-03-12

20242024-02-06ClosedInternational trade

CPTPP Dairy Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) Panel report implementation and other administration policy changes


Date: 2024-02-06 to 2024-03-07

20232023-11-27ClosedForeign affairs

Canada’s participation in treaty negotiations on artificial intelligence at the Council of Europe


Date: 2023-11-27 to 2024-01-10

20232023-05-20ClosedInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on a proposed economic cooperation strategy with Africa


Date: 2023-05-20 to 2023-07-31

20232023-03-25ClosedInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP)


Date: 2023-03-25 to 2023-05-09

20232023-02-17ClosedInternational trade

2023 call for submissions regarding Canada’s annual report on human rights and free trade between Canada and the Republic of Colombia


Date: 2023-02-17 to 2023-03-17

20232023-01-06ReportInternational trade

Consulting Canadians on possible free trade agreement negotiations with Ecuador

Closed with report

Date: 2023-01-06 to 2023-02-21

What we heard report: Consulting Canadians on possible free trade agreement negotiations with Ecuador

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