Canada’s trade policy
The priorities, objectives and values that shape Canada’s trade policies.
Services and information
About Canada’s trade policy
Trade policy priorities, objectives and values to secure Canadian prosperity
Responsible business conduct abroad
Canada’s approach, settling disputes, guidelines, anti-corruption and due diligence
Inclusive trade
Making trade policy more inclusive for under-represented groups
Trade goods and services
Canada’s part in trade negotiations aimed at expanding our presence in world markets
Canada’s efforts to apply existing trade rules to e-commerce
Access to procurement markets
Securing access to government procurement markets for Canadian exporters
Protection of intellectual property
Canada’s participation in the protection of intellectual property aspects of trade negotiations
Dispute settlement
Settling disputes in Canada’s international trade and investment agreements
Rules-based direct investment
Benefits of direct investment; who Canada works with to make good investment rules
Trade and environment
Market access for environmental goods, pursuing environmental protection in trade agreements
Bribery and corruption
Canada’s engagement and efforts to anti-corruption, annual reports to Parliament
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