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Import into Canada

Import goods or services to Canada, and find programs that can help reduce duties.

For latest information on Canada-U.S. relations, visit:

Canada’s engagement with the United States

Services and information

Import commercial goods into Canada

Prepare to import, classify goods, determine duties and taxes, get your goods released

Small and medium-sized enterprise border toolkit

Border and trade requirements for small and medium-sized enterprises

Licensed customs broker

Authorize someone to carry out business on your behalf, non-compliance penalties and submitting a complaint

Canadian customs tariff

Manage payments of taxes and duties for goods you want to import into Canada, tariff classifications

Trade facilitation, compliance and incentives

Tax and duty relief, programs, businesses, systems, penalties and warehousing

Import permits and restrictions

Import controls, permits and licences, compliance requirements, sanctions and prohibited goods

Automated Import Reference System

Import requirements for products such as food, plants and animals

Dispute resolution for imported goods

Disagreements, reviews and appeals with the Canada Border Services Agency

Canadian importers database

Summary reports of companies importing goods into Canada


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